All the latest news about Football Manager 2015 as we close down on the official release date. FM 2015 pack-shot, updates, info and more.
This thread has one sole purpose, to bring you all the news regarding Football Manager 2015 as soon as they get released only from respected sources.
Will closely track Miles Jacobson, managing director of Football Manager, as he releases more info than anyone. Additionally we'll track Sports Interactive, and all game developers as they tweet, post Facebook updates, blog releases and forum threads on FM 2015.
Don't forget to add your Football Manager 2015 ideas to our FM 2015 Wishlist thread, and closely follow our FM 2015 Release Date thread so you get informed about release date speculations and the actual release date of Football Manager 2015.
We hope you find this thread useful, and also would like to encourage you to post any FM 2015 related news you might find that we've missed by leaving a comment to this thread or contacting us via email.
Also be sure to like our Football Manager 2015 Facebook page, and stay updated with the latest news.
Football Manager 2015 News
Feature meetings - complete. 3,399 features voted through. 1,723 need estimates - then my fun of finalising what will be in #FM15 begins.
— Miles Jacobson (@milesSI) February 7, 2014
Miles posted on his twitter account that over 5.000 new features we're took to a consideration for new version of Football Manager. Although, not all will be in the actual release of the game. Let's remember that FM 2014 had more than 1.000 new features compared to FM 2013.
Contract (consent form) signed, so I'm pleased to announce my glorious return to the database in time for #FM15.
— Tom Stabb (@tomstabb) March 24, 2014
Tom Stabb informed us of signing new contract with Sports Interactive, and will continue his work as a database developer for the game. This promises quality database once again for our favourite footy simulation.
Official packshot of Football Manager 2015, released by the SI studio.