FM15 Transfer & Data Update Packs by pr0 contain 137.437 changes up to 15th of September that original Football Manager 2015 database doesn't include!
If we had to pick our favourite unofficial database update, pr0's would be the one! With 137.437 changes made till 15th September, this is by far the biggest custom database on FM scene.
Inside the .rar file you can find all texts that contain the database changes, plus the instructions text on how to install correctly the files in your game!
What is included
Transfer Updates
- Transfers from all around the world from the very best leagues to the small ones.
- Contract changes to reflect corrected wages.
- Managerial changes.
- Passed away players / staff are removed from database.
- Corrected squad numbers.
- In some cases adjusted personal attributes such as height and weight.
- Added favourite clubs, favourite staffs and so.
- Nationality changes.
General Changes
- Chairman changes. Newly created chairmans take the place of the ones who left.
- Added affiliations between clubs.
- New people created that are not in the game, and are not wonderkids.
- Stadium removals.
- Corrected captains.
Injured Players
- Players who were injured, corrected injury dates.
- Players who were injured, but mistakenly not added to the game.
- New young players created, who will become world class players in the future.
- In some cases adjusted CA/PA abilities of players under 21, and set wonderkids.
Current Ability / Potential Ability Changes
- Adjusted stats and current ability attributes.
- Adjusted potential ability.
Installing instructions
Windows users, download and extract files to:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\Editor Data
If editor data folder is not there, create one with this name only. Other names will not recognize the files inside the game.
Mac users, download and extract files to:
Macintosh HD\users\USERNAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\Editor Data
If editor data folder is not there, create one with this name only. Other names will not recognize the files inside the game.
Then open the game, click Start a new game, and then a box will open. Under the database you have to choose, you will find a small box beside the Editor Data Files, with a small box and next to it Changes.
Make sure the box is ticked and then hit OK. It will take you to a new screen where you have to choose the files.
NOTE: selecting more than one custom created file may game to crash or to not work properly, so it's recommended to use only one file.
These FM15 Data Packs are created by pr0 on behalf of community.
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