As someone who follows our Football Manager Blog we are asking you to vote for us to be nominated in the 'Best Gaming Football Blog'. You can only vote in one category, so if you are going to vote for us then please make it the Best Gaming Football Blog category.
How to Vote
There are two possible ways to vote for us in this year FBA's
If voting by Twitter you can simply tweet by clicking here:
Tweet: I am voting in @TheFBAs for @official_FMB as the Best #Gaming Football Blog
or you can go to Twitter and tweet the following: I am voting in @TheFBAs for @official_FMB as the Best #Gaming Football Blog
Vote Using The FBA Form:
Alternatively, you can vote using the form. Simply type FootballManagerBlog.org or official_FMB in to the 'Best Gaming Football Blog' category to nominate us and hit "VOTE NOW" button. You do not need to vote in every category.
Why Vote For Us?
We rarely ask for anything from our readers for all the posts regarding the best football management simulation we provide. We have been around for over 7 years now and would like to get recognized for all our efforts. It was actually us who started the first YouTube channel dedicated to Football Manager that opened the gate for all other FM vloggers, as well as FM bloggers that are out there.
This is your chance to repay us for always being here and it won't cost you a penny.
That link again to vote is: Tweet: I am voting in @TheFBAs for @official_FMB as the Best #Gaming Football Blog
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for following us up to this point.