Sports Interactive added eight new player roles to Football Manager 2014; everyone wanted to know what each role meant; well, here it is.
First, let us remember exactly which new roles are we talking about; Half-Back, Limited Full Back, Complete Wing Back, Regista, Enganche, Flank Forward, Shadow Striker and the False Nine.Okay, so on to the description of each role. These are all from in the game.
Half Back
With a Half Back, the central defenders themselves will push higher up the pitch while the Half Back drops deeper than a standard defensive midfielder and, in addition to his defensive duties, looks to offer an outlet for quickly recycling possession when the team’s attacking play breaks down.
Limited Full Back
Complete Wing Back
Given complete freedom to dictate play from deep positions, the Regista offers a dynamic and unpredictable creative outlet from behind the attack who seeks to maintain intense pressure by constantly looking for new chances as his more advanced teammates get into goalscoring positions.
It differs from Trequartista, who roam from his position, drifting around and looking for space between the lines.
Flank Forward
Ideally positioned against a smaller and weaker full-back, he will be asked to get hold of the ball and keep it before recycling it to a teammate.
Shadow Striker
False Nine
The purpose of this is to create a problem for opposing central defenders who can either follow him - leaving space behind them for onrushing midfielders, forwards or wingers to exploit - or leave him to have time and space to dribble or pick out a pass.