Finding the best coaches in FM20 is always a challenge, but however, it is also vital to your squad.
Without good coaches your players will never reach their potential and even the best wonderkids will just waste away.
This article will help you identify some of the best Football Manager 2020 coaches for each role and also will teach you how to look for your ideal coaches in the game itself.
Let us first look at the different types of coaches available in FM 2020
- Goalkeeping Coach (Shot Stopping)
- Goalkeeping Coach (Handling, Distribution)
- Defending Coach (Tactical)
- Defending Coach (Technical)
- Attacking Coach (Tactical)
- Attacking Coach (Technical)
- Possession Coach (Tactical)
- Possession Coach (Technical)
- Fitness Coach (Strength & Quickness)
Each coach handles a specific role and will train a specific aspect of a player so each of them are important in their own right.
In this article we will be seeing 5 best coaches for each role and what you should look for before hiring them.
Please note that some attributes may vary from save to save, some coaches may not show up on the search based on the database selected.
The “work with youngsters” attribute is always a plus for all coaches regardless of their role and plays an important part in how they interact with younger players in your squad.
The adaptability attribute is important for coaches who go to foreign leagues and is a factor in how fast they adapt to their new setting.
Also, some coaches are good at multiple roles but we will be mentioning them only in their best role but you can use them however you see fit, depending on the strength of your team.
In-article links to other FM2020 backroom staff open in a new window.
1. Goalkeeping Coach (Shot Stopping)
The main attributes you look for in a goalkeeping coach (shot stopping) are, Shot Stopping, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- Hugo Oliviera
- Jens Lehmann
- Alessandro Nista
- Adalberto Grigoni
- Gianluca Spinelli
2. Goalkeeping Coach (Handling/Distribution)
The main attributes you look for in a goalkeeping coach (shot stopping) are, Shot Stopping, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- Christope Lollichon
- Marco Savorani
- Xavi Valero
- Rui Barbosa
- Silvino Lauro
SEE ALSO: Top 5 Assistant Managers in FM20
3. Defending Coach (Tactical)
The main attributes you look for in a Defending Coach (Tact) are, Defending, Tactical, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- Daniel Baldini
- Miguel D Agostino
- Daniele Bernazzani
- Mario Cecchi
- Ivan Cordoba
4. Defending Coach (Technical)
The main attributes you look for in a Defending Coach (Tact) are, Defending, Technical, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- Inaki Bergara
- Pepijn Linjders
- Norbert Elgert
- Ricky Sbragia
- Brian Kidd
SEE ALSO: Top 5 Head of Youth Development in Football Manager 2020
5. Attacking Coach (Tactical)
The main attributes you look for in an Attacking Coach (Tact) are, Attacking, Tactical, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- Fabio Mahsehredjian
- Tony Whelan
- Dirk Mack
- James Beattie
- Joao Tralhao
6. Attacking Coach (Technical)
The main attributes you look for in an Attacking Coach (Tact) are, Attacking, Technical, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- Rodolfo Borrell
- Kieran McKenna
- Dennis Bergkamp
- Maurizio Trombetta
- Gianni Vio
SEE ALSO: Top 5 Sugar Daddy Clubs to Manage in FM20
7. Possession Coach (Tactical)
The main attributes you look for in a Possession Coach (Tact) are, Mental, Tactical, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- David Coles
- Michele Salzarulo
- Kristjaan Speakman
- Ivan Moretto
- John Cooke
8. Possession Coach (Technical)
The main attributes you look for in a Possession Coach (Technical) are, Mental, Technical, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- Salvatore Cerrone
- Tim Jenkins
- Christian Lattanzio
- Mark Chamberlain
- Helena Costa
SEE ALSO: FM20 Assistant Managers - Best 100 Shortlist
9. Fitness Coach (Strength & Quickness)
The fitness coaches in the game are a bit different from the others. Whether they are training for strength or quickness, you just look for only the fitness attribute. The main attributes you look for in a Possession Coach (Technical) are Fitness, Determination, Level of Discipline & Motivation. You can filter under “staff search” highlighting these attributes to search for the best available coaches in this role. Some of the best coaches for this role are;
- Rui Faria
- Lorenzo Buenaventura
- Bruno Mendes
- Florian Wangler
- Edu Pons
- Mark Howard
- Oscar Ortega
- Massimo Neri
- Costantino Coratti
- Javier Minano
FM20 Best Coaches Summary
That concludes the article on how to search for coaches and a small list of the best coaches available in the start of the FM20. As mentioned, the coaches could vary depending on the database selected and you may end up finding better coaches as the seasons go by.