FM custom databases basically add-on or modify existing database information in FM20. The all leagues database essentially makes almost all the world leagues playable to a certain tier.
We can enjoy managing our local team in our local league and try to establish them as a local powerhouse.
The screenshot above gives an example of Algerian league & Moroccan league which are unavailable in the vanilla version of the game.
Each Update is realized with the REAL RULES of the championships and to the REAL CALENDARS (rules of number, registration of the team, prim for classification, TV right ...).
All Nation add have prime, Real Cup, reserve / U21.
Transfers windows calendar are 100% real.
All Leagues FM20 Database includes
Afrique du Sud (D4)
Algรฉrie (D4)
Angola (D1)
Bรฉnin (D2)
Botswana (D2)
Burkina Faso (D3)
Burundi (D2)
Cameroun (D2)
Cap-Vert (D1)
Centrafrique (D2)
Congo (D2)
Comores (D1)
Cรดte d'Ivoire (D2)
Djibouti (D1)
Egypte (D2)
Erythrรฉe (D1)
Ethiopia (D2)
Gabon (D3)
Gambia (D2)
Ghana (D3)
Guinรฉe (D3)
Guinรฉe Bissau (D2)
Guinรฉe Equatoriale (D2)
Ile Maurice (D3)
Kenya (D4)
Liberia (D3)
Libye (D2)
Lesotho (D2)
Madagascar (D2)
Mali (D2)
Malawi (D2)
Maroc (D4)
Mauritanie (D2)
Mozambique (D2)
Mayotte (D1)
Namibia (D2)
Niger (D2)
Nigeria (D3)
Ouganda (D2)
R.D.Congo (D2)
Rรฉunion (D2)
Rwanda (D2)
Sรฃo Tomรฉ e Principe (D2)
Sรฉnรฉgal (D2)
Seychelles (D2)
Sierra Leone (D2)
Somalia (D2)
Soudan (D2)
Soudan du Sud (D2)
Swaziland (D2)
Tanzanie (D2)
Tchad (D1)
Togo (D3)
Tunisie (D3)
Zambia (D3)
Zanzibar (D2)
Zimbabwe (D2)
Afghanistan (D1)
Arabie Saoudite (D3)
Bahrain (D2)
Bangladesh (D2)
Bhoutan (D3)
Brunei (D3)
Cambodge (D2)
Chine (D3)
Corรฉe du Nord (D2)
Corรฉe du Sud (D5)
Emirats Arabe Unis (D2)
Guam (D2)
Hong Kong (D4)
Inde (D3)
Indonรฉsie (D3)
Irak (D2)
Iran (D3)
Japon (D4) Version 2020
Jordanie (D2)
Kirghizistan (D2)
Koweit (D2)
Laos (D3)
Liban (D4)
Macao (D5)
Malaisie (D3)
Maldives (D3)
Mariannes du Nord (D3)
Mongolia (D3)
Myanmar (D2)
Nรฉpal (D4)
Oman (D3)
Ouzbekistan (D5)
Pakistan (D1)
Palestine (D3) and 3 Gaza Levels and cup
Philippines (D1)
Qatar (D2)
Singapour (D6) With Cosmo League (2 Levels and Cup)
Sri Lanka (D3)
Syrie (D3)
Tadjikistan (D4)
Taiwan (D1) + University
Thailande (D5)
Timor (D4)
Turkmenistan (D2)
Vietnam (D4)
Yemen (D3)
Aruba (D1)
Anguilla (D1)
Antigua et Barbuda (D2)
Bahamas (D2)
Barbade (D3)
Belize (D1)
Bermudes (D2)
Bonaire (D1)
Caรฏmans (D1)
Canada (D3)
Cuba (D1)
Curaรงao (D1)
Dominique (D1)
Costa Rica (D3)
Grenade (D2)
Guadeloupe (D3)
Guatemala (D3)
Guyana (D2)
Guyane Franรงaise (D2)
Haรฏti (D2)
Honduras (D3)
Iles Vierges (GB) (D1)
Iles Vierges (US) (D1)
Jamaรฏque (D3)
Martinique (D2)
Mexique (D6)
Montserrat (D1)
Nicaragua (D3)
Panama (D3)
Porto Rico (D3)
Republique Dominicaine (D3)
Saint Barthรฉlรฉmy (D1)
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis (D2)
Saint Martin (D1)
Saint Pierre et Miquelon (D4)
Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines (D2)
Sainte Lucie (D2)
Salvador (D3)
Sint Maarten (D1)
Suriname (D2)
Trinitรฉ-et-Tobago (D3)
Turks-et-Caรฏcos (D1)
U.S.A. (D4)
Bolivie (D3)
Brรฉsil (D4) Version 2020
Chili (D5)
Equateur (D3)
Paraguay (D4)
Pรฉrou (D3)
Uruguay (D3)
Vรฉnรฉzuela (D3)
Albanie (D3)
Andorre (D3)
Armรฉnie (D2)
Autriche (D10)
Azerbaidjan (D4)
Belgique (D8)
Bielorussie (D3)
Bosnie (D3)
Bulgarie (D4)
Chypre (D3)
Crimรฉe (D1)
Croatie (D3)
Danemark (D4)
Deutschland (D6) + Regionale Pokale
England (D8)
Estonie (D2)
Fรฉroรฉ (D4)
Finlande (D5)
France (D8 - Regional 3)
Gรฉorgie (D4)
Hongrie (D4)
Irlande (D5)
Irlande du Nord (D4)
Islande (D5)
Israรซl (D5)
Italie (D7 - Prima Categoria)
Kazakhstan (D3)
Kosovo (D2)
Lettonie (D3)
Lituanie (D3)
Luxembourg (D4)
Macรฉdoine (D3)
Malte (D4)
Moldavie (D3) Version 2020
Monaco (D1 real) always amateur
Montรฉnรฉgro (D2)
Netherlands (D7)
Norvรจge (D5)
Pays de Galles (D4)
Pologne (D4)
Portugal (D4)
Republique Tchรจque(D5)
Roumanie (D3)
Russie (D5)
San Marino (D1)
Scotland (D6)
Serbie (D5)
Slovaquie (D3)
Slovรฉnie (D4)
Spain (D5)
Suรจde (D5)
Suisse (D5)
Turquie (D5)
Ukraine (D3)
Australie (D10)
Cook (D1)
Fidji (D2)
Iles Salomon (D2)
Kiribati (D1)
Micronรฉsie (D2)
Nouvelle Calรฉdonie (D1)
New Zeland (D4)
Papouasie Nlle Guinรฉe (D2)
Samoa (D2)
Samoa Amรฉricaines (D2)
Tahiti (D3)
Tonga (D3)
Tuvalu (D1)
Vanuatu (D3)
Wallis-et-Futuna (D1)
WAFU Competitions
Custom Start Date
Nation Pays Basque Playable
Obviously compiling such a massive database requires a lot of effort. The database is created by Timo61. He requests PayPal donation if possible.