With the full version of Football Manager being complex, time-consuming, and often overwhelming to the novice player, FM22 Mobile offers a streamlined, pocket-sized version of our favourite game serving as a great entry point into the world of Football Manager.
The next 500 words or so offers a crash course in what your first 30 minutes of FM22 Mobile should look like. Whilst there is much more to explore than covered below, it provides a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know ahead of your first competitive game in charge of your new club.
Your First FM22 Mobile Save
Let’s assume you’re new to FM, and mobile is your first experience. It would make perfect sense to select a so-called “unlosable” first save, and none spring to mind more so than star-studded PSG.
Upon loading up your save for the first time, a team report and board expectations are immediately thrown your way, as well as finding out your club’s transfer budget, which in PSG’s case, sits at a healthy £168 million.
Transfers on FM22 Mobile
Alongside matchdays, FM22 mobile’s other self-proclaimed main focus is on transfers. The transfers tab allows managers to search by general information; value, age, etc., position(s), and even individual attributes. Combined with the extensive scouting platform available, finding the perfect player to improve your squad is seamless; however, options will vary depending on each unique save. In selecting PSG, it’s an understatement to say the team doesn’t require many upgrades, but unlike the full game, FM Mobile doesn’t transfer budgets from year to year, so it would be rude to splash the cash.
Transfer Offers And Contract Negotiation
After striking a deal with your opposing club, it’s time to get personal, as the final step in landing a player is agreeing on a contract. In FM22 Mobile, the board will limit the wage you are able to offer a specific player regardless of whether your budget allows, but in the case of my pursuit of Nicolas Zaniolo for PSG, this shouldn’t be a problem; however, this has proved a stumbling block in my previous saves with other clubs.
When talking contracts, it’s always good to view a player’s existing deal, providing a clear idea of where they are at before presenting your opening offer. In my case, Zaniolo earned £76k per week at Roma and requested £205k per week to join PSG. After revising his squad status, and a slight raise in his sign-on fee, a more reasonable £155k per week was agreed, and after an approved work permit, became my first signing at PSG.
Final Thoughts
Having played through the friendlies, tried and tested new players, tactics, and formations, and likely brought a few new faces through the door, you’re all set to begin the competitive football. While it’s obvious every save presents its own unique challenges, FM22 Mobile focuses primarily on tactics and transfers at its core. Although media duties and player training are still present, they largely take a back seat. There’s no doubt PSG is a seemingly easy save; however, a first-time player provides ample resources and ready-made stars to help new managers get to grips with the main aspects of the game.
Don’t be fooled; this guide covers just the bare bones of FM22 Mobile, as there is a whole world of scouting, squad management, and tactical decisions at your fingertips, but for now, you should be ready to pick your phone/tablet and dive into the beloved world of Football Manager.